Thursday 29 March 2012

Jesse and Max

I had the opportunity to photography Jesse and Max earlier this week, and what a fun couple they were!  We went to the bird sanctuary in Comox, too bad the bird weren't cooperating.  But luckily for us the rain held off for the afternoon.  Thanks for being great models guys!

Katima Love

A sad day for Canadian youth.  Katimavik, Canada's leading youth volunteer program, and sister program to Canada world youth is no more, the funding has been officially cut.  Katimavik has been accredited as being one of the worlds leading volunteer programs and I'm am sad to see it go, but glad to have had the opportunity to experience it.  For me the decision to join Katimavik in 2008 was the best decision I've ever made.  The experience was life changing and I made amazing friends across the country.  I hope, someday in the near future, to see katimavik reinstated.
All you need is love.

Friday 23 March 2012

Monday 19 March 2012

Saturday's Sunset

For a few minutes Saturday evening the mountains on the mainland poked their faces through the cloud cover, timing it perfectly with the setting sun.  Below the dark clouds they made for a dramatic skyline behind Comox.

HDR Panorama

I've never tried this before but I'm pretty happy that it worked, it took a lot of shots to get one picture though.  I've always been told how work it is in the computer, but I love panoramas and I had to try this at least once.  Surprisingly the photoshop and photomatix work was pretty quick and straight forward.

It's a new post!

This is a post for the sake of posting.  I thought add some pictures seagulls because why not?  Also because something you should know about me, I love seagulls! (and crows too..)

Sunday 18 March 2012

Of Jumps and Tunnels

Spent all morning at Agility with Roadsters agility group in Courtenay.  Agility is not something I've photographed before because I am always playing, but with Lucky's injured knee I had the opportunity to watch the action through my camera.  They were a great group of trainers and dogs to work with and I hope to work with them a lot more in the future.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

Crazy Weather

So the power's been out all morning with 60knt winds raging out side.  As a result I get a day off!  Yesterday showed us some pretty wild weather too, with sun one moment and a blizzard the next.
Here are a few photos from yesterday. 

Then, only a few minutes later the world looked like this:

But the sun came out in Bowser, sort of... not really:

Saturday 10 March 2012

The Beginning

Post number one.
There may or may not be more to come, who knows how good I will be at updating.  I hope this goes well!


Jess Cavanagh

About Me

My photo
Blind Channel, British Columbia, Canada
I am the dock queen. I'm not sure what that means. Somehow I acquired the title, and it's stuck I'm alright with it.